Did you know that Americans eat approximately 14 pounds of cereal each year? That’s because cereal is perfect for breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, elevenses, and dinner! Sure, a lot of cereal options are not safe if you’re on a gluten-free diet, but there are still gluten-free cereal brands available that offer delicious products to fill your belly.
Want donuts for breakfast instead of cereal? Check out our list of popular gluten-free donut brands.
Top Gluten-Free Cereal Brands
We’ve compiled a list of popular gluten-free cereal manufacturers you can turn to and products those brands say are safe if you can’t eat gluten. We’ve also included where you can buy these cereals so you can get your munch on!
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Arrowhead Mills
Use this list to find Arrowhead Mills gluten-free cereal:
- Organic Gluten Free Maple Buckwheat Flakes
Ingredients: Organic Whole Grain Buckwheat Grits, Organic Whole Grains Brown Rice Flour, Organic Evaporated Cane Sugar, Organic Whole Grain Buckwheat Flour, Organic Maple Syrup, Water, Sea Salt, Organic Honey, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) and Vitamin E (to preserve freshness).
Cross-Contact: Arrowhead Mills guarantees that their products are “truly gluten free.” The products are thoroughly tested, and the production facilities are monitored to safeguard against accidental cross-contact with gluten. (Source: Arrowhead Mills)

Here’s Barbara’s gluten-free cereal list:
- Puffins Multigrain Cereal
- Puffins Protein Berry Burst Cereal
- Puffins Honey Rice Cereal
- Puffins Pumpkin Cereal
- Organic Brown Rice Crisps Cereal
- Organic Corn Flakes Cereal
Cross-Contact: Barbara’s is another one of the gluten-free cereal brands that doesn’t list on their website how they maintain a safe, gluten-free environment, so we emailed the company. Their email response is slightly confusing because their product names listed in the email do not reflect what is listed on the website, though the names are close. (The dietary filter on Barbara’s website generated the list above.)
Barbara’s representative stated that the company tests its gluten-free cereals and snacks to ensure that they contain less than 20 ppm of gluten. They suggest that you always look at the product’s labels to ensure that the ingredients haven’t changed.

General Mills
Use this list to find gluten-free cereal General Mills makes:
- Lucky Charms
- Apple Cinnamon Chex
- Blueberry Chex
- Chocolate Chex
- Cinnamon Chex
- Corn Chex
- Honey Nut Chex
- Peanut Butter Chex
- Rice Chex
- Toasted Coconut Cheerios
- Blueberry Cheerios
- Maple Cheerios
- Peach Cheerios
- Original Cheerios
- Honey Nut Cheerios
- Multi Grain Cheerios
- Apple Cinnamon Cheerios
- Chocolate Cheerios
- Fruity Cheerios
- Frosted Cheerios
- Banana Nut Cheerios
- Pumpkin Spice Cheerios
- Very Berry Cheerios
- Gluten Free Honey Vanilla Crunch Cereal
Cross-Contact: According to General Mills, all their products that carry the gluten-free claim on the packaging are extensively analyzed at the ingredient, manufacturing and product levels. These same products meet the FDA’s standards for gluten-free foods. However, while their production lines are considered gluten-free, these products are not necessarily made in dedicated plants. General Mills takes precautions to ensure that gluten exposure doesn’t occur.
In an email from General Mills, a consumer relations representative states that a GM product will not carry a gluten-free label, even if that product doesn’t have gluten-containing ingredients, unless the company can verify that all aspects of the sourcing and manufacturing process are free from gluten. (Source: General Mills’)

Use this list to find gluten-free cereal Kellogg’s manufactures:
- Bear Naked Granola Dark Chocolate Almond Grain Free
- Kashi Organic Indigo Morning cereal
Cross-Contact: Kellogg’s states that they meet the FDA guidelines required for labeling products “gluten free.” Using testing, they verify that all products contain less than 20 ppm of gluten. Additionally, all gluten-free products and facilities are comprehensively assessed and qualified. (Source: Kellogg’s; List of GF Products)

Nature’s Path
Here’s a list of gluten-free cereal Nature’s Path offers:
- Golden Turmeric Cereal
- Purple Bam! Cereal
- Qi’a Coconut Chia Superflakes
- Qi’a Cocoa Coconut Superflakes
- Qi’a Honey Chia Superflakes
- Qi’a Cranberry Vanilla Chia, Buckwheat & Hemp Cereal
- Qi’a Original Chia, Buckwheat & Hemp Cereal
- Envirokidz Amazon Flakes
- Envirokidz Panda Puffs
- Envirokidz Leapin’ Memurs
- Envirokidz Cheetah Chomps
- Envirokidz Gorilla Munch
- Envirokidz Jungle Munch
- Envirokidz Koala Crisp
- Envirokidz Rhio Rolls Organic
- Envirokidz Turtle Splash
- Crispy Rice Cereal
- Fruit Juice Corn Flakes
- Golden Turmeric Cereal
- Honey’d Corn Flakes
- Mesa Sunrise Flakes
- Mesa Sunrise and Raisins
- Purple Acai Cereal
- Sunrise Crunchy Honey Cereal
- Sunrise Crunchy Maple Cereal
- Sunrise Crunchy Vanilla Cereal
- Sunrise Crunchy Cinnamon Cereal
- Whole O’s Cereal
Cross-Contact: Nature’s Path doesn’t have a statement on avoiding gluten cross-contact, so we emailed the company to learn more. We learned that while Nature’s Path makes gluten-containing cereals, it makes the gluten-free cereal first. After products that contain gluten, soy, and nuts are made, the production line is cleaned.
Nature’s Path also periodically tests and inspects the products for gluten. Ingredients that are used in gluten-free products are stored in a separate part of the facility. The company checks that GFCO-certified products come in at 10 ppm, and gluten-free oat products at 20 ppm. Nature’s Path warns that if you have high gluten sensitivities, you should consult your doctor before eating Nature’s Path gluten-free products.

Use this Post gluten-free cereal list:
- Malt-O-Meal Cocoa Dyno-Bites
- Malt-O-Meal Cocoa Dyno-Bites with Marshmallows
- Malt-O-Meal Fruity Dyno-Bites
- Malt-O-Meal Fruity Dyno-Bites with Marshmallows
- Malt-O-Meal Crispy Rice
- Fruity Pebbles
- Cocoa Pebbles
- Peanut Butter & Cocoa Pebbles
Cross-Contact: The Post Consumer Brands website simply encourages consumers to read the product’s ingredient statement and to look for the “’gluten free’ burst on packages” to ensure that the item is safe.
To better verify safety, we emailed Post for more information. The company replied by saying that it meets the HACCP’s and FDA’s regulations to control allergens.
Allergen-containing ingredients are separately stored from non-allergen-containing ingredients. After a production run, the company cleans up, though it is not clear exactly what is cleaned. The packaging and processing area is cleared of allergen-containing products/ingredients when the production run is complete. Neither gluten nor wheat is specifically mentioned in this response. (Source: Post)
Where To Buy: Post’s buy now tool allows you to search for a specific brand and product flavor in or around your zip code.

Gluten-Free Cereal FAQ
Why Do Some People Say Cheerios Are Not Gluten Free?
Many people with wheat and gluten sensitivities have reported that eating Cheerios produces a gluten reaction, making them sick. Some people believe that this may be because General Mills uses equipment that mechanically separates oats (gluten free) from wheat, rye and barley (not gluten free). In other words, the naturally gluten-free oats can come in contact with gluten-containing grains, making the oats unsafe for some people. If you have celiac disease or a severe reaction to even small amounts of gluten, then you may want to consider avoiding cereals with oats. Use your best judgment and follow your gut (literally)!
Shop Gluten-Free Cereal With Confidence
Our goal in providing this list of gluten-free cereal brands is to support communities that cannot tolerate gluten. If you’ve tasted any of these cereals, let us know what you think of them!
Go get your grub on!